Cornell University Comedy

CU Nooz is Cornell University’s online satire newspaper. I joined the founding staff as their only freshman writer in 2013, and served as Editor-in-Chief for three semesters from 2015-2016. During my tenure as EiC, I grew the site’s readership and staff, helped define its voice and tone, and oversaw the creation of a second satire website, CU Noozfeed, which satirized campus buzz/clickbait articles in the style of Buzzfeed and Upworthy. Here are a few of the many articles I wrote over the years:



The Cornell Lunatic is Cornell’s print humor magazine publishing short prose. I wrote several pieces for them during my time in college.

  • The Recycle This Issue (“Recycled Essays”)
  • Lunair (“Superpowers from a Radioactive Bear”, “A Nigerian Prince Email Correspondence”)